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Knowledge Base and Genomics Analysis Platform
Overall solution from sample detection, data analysis to clinical research and application


Oncology automatic reporting and analysis platform Origo?


iCMDB? Comprehensive Knowledge Base

iCMDB ? comprehensive knowledge base is a multi-dimensional knowledge base based on evidence-based medicine level, with the main function of supporting and assisting in clinical diagnosis, clinical decision support and artificial intelligence application on precision medicine level. iCMDB ? knowledge base consists of basic elements such as diseases, biomarkers, variants, drugs and references, including modules such as oncology, pharmacogenetics, mendelian disorders, mitochondrial genic disorders, infectious diseases, metabolic diseases, chronic diseases and risk prediction. It utilizes a variety of intelligent medical retrieval analysis models such as hotspot matrix to automatically connect basic elements and knowledge base, and provides more detailed evidence-based medicine annotations for clinicians' treatment decisions in the fields of molecular oncology, pharmacogenetics and genetics.


The multi-omics disease scientific research platform uses multi-omics technologies such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics and artificial intelligence analysis means to study the integration and cross-analysis application of clinical diseases and multi-omics data in combination with clinical information, assist the development of precision medicine and promote the application of multi-omics technologies in medical translation.

Origo? tumor automatic reporting system compared with similar products


Benefits of Digital Health China (DHC) Medical's Genetic and Rare Disease Solutions

Convenient Approach to Use

From sample entry to automated report generation, the entire process is completed in one platform with a simple and easy-to-learn interface. Pre-defined report content templates save users time in reviewing literature and provide multiple links to relevant websites.

High Data Security

Permissions can be assigned to meet the hierarchical management needs of different users. Comprehensive data file security policies, encryption and decryption techniques and mandatory access control are organically combined.

High Analysis Efficiency

SPARK accelerates the speed of analysis.

GATK algorithm is used for the raw letter process and unique data acceleration technology is utilized to greatly improve analysis efficiency.

More Reliable Interpretation of Results

Strict quality control and high reliability.

Combining multiple authoritative databases and developing pathogenicity determination criteria based on ACMG standards to ensure more reliable results.

Genetic Counselling with Family Mapping

Built-in family tree system allows users to access the family tree system for lineage mapping and tumor genetic counselling.



iCMDB? Knowledge Base Module


Basic Elements of the Knowledge Base


Structured knowledge base contents


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