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Biospecimen Repository
The construction of a biospecimen bank is an important cornerstone of medical research


Background of the biospecimen repository construction project

In December 2017, Digital Health China (DHC) Medical assumed the "Special Project on Prevention and Control of Major Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases" of the National Key Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology - research on the construction of clinical big data platform and biospecimen database for malignant tumors.

The projects in which Digital Health China (DHC) Medical participated are as follows.

Topic 1: Big data network technology for medical institutions, research on storage, transmission security and sharing mechanism.

Topic 2: Research on the standardized collection and analysis of medical big data based on electronic medical records and information integration platform.

Topic 3: Research on tumor big data analysis technology and artificial intelligence diagnosis standard based on super computing.


The construction characteristics of the information system of biological sample bank

1. Based on the national standard GB/T 37864-2019 General Requirements for Quality and Competence of Biospecimen Bank, the information system of biospecimen bank is constructed, and the storage and use of data are in line with the standard specification.

2. With the construction of the specialized disease database, the system has accumulated a comprehensive standard data set covering a variety of specialized diseases, including oncology, which facilitates the standardization of disease data management requirements in the construction of the sample bank information system.

3. With big data cleaning, structuring, data compression and transmission, and multi-omics data calculation and analysis and fusion technology, the system establishes the core data storage, management and fusion analysis system of clinical multi-dimensional data with the data of the sample bank information center, and enhances the data utilization capacity of the sample bank.


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