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Product Service
Multidisciplinary Diagnosis and Treatment (MDT) and Telemedicine Platform
Program Overview

Through the construction of the MDT and telemedicine platform, the hospital completes the radiation of high-quality medical resources from point to plane, promotes the collaborative and coordinated development of various specialties across departments, enhances the comprehensive level of disease treatment and improves the patient's medical experience.


The MDT and telemedicine platform enables the sharing of medical images, medical tests, pathological examinations, medical electrocardiograms and other data and information. Through the transmission of audio and video images, as well as the tracking of the entire process of application, quality control, report uploading, treatment plan implementation and treatment effect analysis, the MDT provides practical services for the diagnosis of the condition of remote patients, the formation of accurate treatment plans, treatment implementation and post-rehabilitation, solving the problem of difficult and expensive access to medical services, thus allowing quality medical resources to continue to expand.


Meanwhile, the MDT and telemedicine platform offers telemedicine guidance, remote teaching and training, joint remote ward inspections, remote MDT and other functions to help lower-level hospitals, affiliated hospitals and helping hospitals to improve diagnosis and treatment as well as management level. The platform provides functions such as outpatient MDT, inpatient ward MDT and remote MDT. By forming MDT expert teams and integrating the advantages of teams with expertise in various disciplines, the platform enables experts with different professional backgrounds to design unique treatment plans for patients, so as to provide professional, precise, systematic, personalized, standardized and comprehensive, treatment services.

Industry Status

In recent years, the state has repeatedly issued policies to facilitate the development of multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment (MDT) and telemedicine, including the launch of services nationwide and pilot services in local hospitals. With the deepening integration of the Internet+ and healthcare, the gradual commercialization of 5G technology, and the development of emerging industries such as artificial intelligence and big data, domestic hospitals are demanding higher levels of treatment, all of which will boost the development of MDT and telemedicine.


In recent years, the construction of MDT systems for multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment has received unprecedented attention. MDT and telemedicine systems also played an important role in the Newcastle pneumonia epidemic, with telemedicine putting more quality medical resources into the epidemic remotely and supporting it. The outbreak was effectively controlled through joint discussions and communication between specialists from different departments. It seems that MDT and telemedicine systems are important for sharing quality medical resources, extending medical services, increasing medical coverage, improving medical standards in backward areas, reducing medical errors, enhancing standardized treatment of difficult and complex diseases, as well as education and training.


Product Features

1. Seamless interface with hospital big data platform/hospital HIS, EMR, PACS and other business systems to create MDT with one click.

2. Support for automatic and manual association of images, annotation, measurement, MPR and other rich image viewing functions.

3. Abundant treatment effect BI and operational indicator BI statistics and analysis to provide continuous treatment for patients, improve hospital performance and support hospital research capabilities.

4. Accessing, sharing and viewing patient 360, viewing similar real cases and understanding the full patient history information.

5. Intelligent diagnosis and treatment evaluation, consultation evaluation, continuous improvement of diagnosis and treatment effectiveness, and optimisation of consultation process.

6. Abundant communication tools: live chat, audio and video group meetings, making remote consultations and MDT discussions more convenient.

7. Intelligent auxiliary diagnosis, literature knowledge base viewing function, assisting experts to give accurate and scientific treatment plans.

8. Support for remote clinical consultation, remote pathology diagnosis, remote imaging diagnosis, remote ECG diagnosis, remote MDT, remote teaching and other functions to fulfill the telemedicine needs of patients and medical institutions.

9. Personalized and customized treatment templates, death discussion templates, medical record templates and other extensive templates to enhance the efficiency of MDT discussions or remote consultations.

10. Intelligent MDT automatic screening into the group to facilitate standardized and process-oriented MDT activities in hospitals.

Program Features

-- Provide one-stop consultation services for pre-treatment protocols, including application, medical record sharing, quality control of medical record information, recording of discussion results and uploading of reports, to post-treatment protocol tracking and analysis, and follow-up visits.

-- Seamlessly connect with the hospital's big data platform, research platform, HIS system, EMR system and PACS system to achieve the interconnection and interoperability of patient record data, and sink the consultation results back to the hospital's big data platform and research analysis platform for continuous improvement of the hospital's treatment level and research capability.

-- Through expert consultation and MDT discussion, it provides intelligent diagnostic recommendations, similar real cases, access to relevant medical knowledge base, treatment plan templates, structured treatment plan input, etc. to assist experts to make more scientific and accurate treatment plans.

-- The multidisciplinary treatment and telemedicine platform is a product that can truly improve the quality of life of patients and provide scientific and appropriate treatment plans. The product provides an intelligent diagnosis based on the patient's medical records, supports and enhances the hospital's diagnosis, treatment and research through a knowledge base, assisted treatment, MDT follow-up, treatment effect tracking and analysis.

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