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National Rare Diseases Registry System of China
Program Overview

National Rare Diseases Registry System of China(NRDRS), led by Peking Union Medical College Hosp bital (PUMCH, is a national rare diseases registry part of the nation's rare diseases infrastructure.

Key objectives include: to establish common standards and specification fo or rare disease registration; to form a rare diseases collaboration network by unifying nation's top hospitals with rare disease center of excellence; to collect data on rare diseases with relatively high prevalence and severity for research; and ultimately, to elevate the diagnosis and treatment standards of rare diseases in China.


TOP 宜都市| 台东市| 瑞金市| 尖扎县| 嘉义县| 义马市| 香港 | 连山| 房产| 涟源市| 通化市| 上虞市| 镇江市| 乌拉特前旗| 大理市| 安阳县| 漳州市| 榆中县| 资溪县| 赤峰市| 广平县| 来凤县| 潍坊市| 泰安市| 枣强县| 宝兴县| 阜宁县| 江永县| 漠河县| 凤冈县| 新乡县| 屯昌县| 诏安县| 鹤壁市| 开阳县| 钟祥市| 蕉岭县| 商城县| 建昌县| 三穗县| 都昌县|