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Big news! China Paediatric Immunological Diseases Research Network Platform has been launched
2023-08-22 Share:

Recently, the multi-center, large sample research network platform for paediatric immunological diseases in China and the intelligent follow-up system, the only technical support provided by DHC, have achieved data exchange and are fully online. Up to now, the platform has covered the participation of more than 30 hospitals, including Peking Union Hospital of China Academy of Medical Sciences, the Third Hospital of Peking University, Beijing Children's Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, and others. The platform aims to explore the pathogenesis of a variety of paediatric rheumatic and immunological diseases, find biomarkers and early warning indicators for early diagnosis and accurate clinical classification, realize intelligent follow-up of childhood immune diseases, and provide important assistance for the diagnosis, treatment and research of childhood immune diseases. 



China paediatric immunological diseases research network platform

The accurate diagnosis and treatment of paediatric rheumatic and immunological diseases in China is still in the initial stage, and stratification of children according to the potential pathogenic mechanisms is needed to delineate new therapeutic targets, involving scientific multi-center clinical trials, data sharing and the development of optimal treatment interventions to gradually improve the quality of life of such children.

Based on this, in 2021, the "14th Five-Year" National Key Research and Development Plan for Paediatric Rheumatism Immunology, including the Third Hospital of Peking University, Children's Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University, Xiangya Second Hospital of Central South University, Beijing Children's Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Children's Hospital Affiliated to Medical College of Zhejiang University, Nanjing Children's Hospital, Shenzhen Children's Hospital and other top hospitals nationwide, was successfully launched, led by Peking Union Hospital of Medical Sciences of China. 



Technology roadmap: construction of research network platform for paediatric immunological diseases in China


Relying on the integrated technical innovation, forward-looking medical insight and deep business deposition, Industry-University-Research of DHC provides the only technical support for the platform construction in the medical field. DHC has fully introduced the general data model in combination with the technical route of federal learning, and used a variety of medical database management methods to build a research network platform for childhood immune diseases in China, supporting a case capacity of not less than 1 million cases and a research data capacity of not less than 200,000 cases, thus laying a solid foundation for clinical and basic research. 


Meanwhile, WeChat and other convenient interactive platforms are available to build an intelligent follow-up platform and a prognosis evaluation platform, flexibly expand follow-up of different diseases, form a whole-process closed-loop management, greatly reduce time and economic cost, improve the accurate management level of paediatric immune diseases in China, and promote the construction of a standardized diagnosis, treatment and follow-up system for children's immune diseases in China.

In the future, multiple systems in the Paediatric Immune Disease Research Network Platform will use the same data standards to achieve data exchange between the platforms. Based on data sharing and encryption technology, it can provide a platform support for biomarker screening, prediction model construction, standard/guideline development, new gene screening and other researches.

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