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Cooperation between Giants! DHC and Sugon Reached Important Strategic Cooperat
2023-09-04 Share:


On September 1, 2023, Shi Wenzhao, chairman and CEO of Digital Health China Technologies Co., Ltd., held talks with Li jun, president of Sugon Information Industry Co., Ltd (Sugon), and both sides reached important strategic cooperation issues. In the future, the two sides will build a long-term, stable and close cooperative partnership based on DHC's advantages in digital and intelligent technology and scientific research in the medical field, as well as the influence and strong strength of China's leading listed company in the core information infrastructure, Sugon, in the information industry, so as to realize complementary advantages, mutual benefits and joint development.

Under the tide of digital intelligence, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies are becoming the effective driving force for the high-quality development of digital medicine, and the digital medicine industry has also entered a period of vigorous development. As a leading enterprise in the field of medical big data and artificial intelligence, DHC has a deep layout in the core areas of medical big data, intelligent imaging, digital radiotherapy, precision medical care and digital services for pharmaceutical companies, with an independent core technology system in the whole chain. Sugon is a leader in the information industry in China, providing innovative, efficient and reliable IT products, solutions and services to users in China and around the world. With this strong alliance, the two sides will conduct in-depth cooperation in products, technology, market, solutions and project cooperation.


With strong advantages and industry leadership in the field of medical innovation, DHC has undertaken a number of tens of millions of construction projects and successfully applied for more than 40 national key research and development projects. Sugon has profound technological accumulation and leading market share in high-end computing, storage, security, data center and other fields. Based on the strength of each other, the two sides will further unite and carry out relevant clinical auxiliary diagnosis and treatment and frontier scientific research cooperation based on advanced computing, big model, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies in the medical field, so as to produce high-quality results and jointly serve customers.


The cooperation negotiation between the two sides is a good first step, which has opened the strategic cooperation between DHC and Sugon in the field of medical digitalization. It is believed that with the deepening of cooperation, the two sides will be able to realize two-way empowerment and integration in the field of digital medical care, cooperate to build an industrial ecology, strengthen the precise connection between innovation chain and the industrial chain, and further expand the market scale and influence of the two sides in the field of medical and health care.

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