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Senior executives from Philips' headquarters once again visited DHC to deepen collaboration and jointly envision the future of digital healthcare.
2024-07-02 Share:

Recently, DHC's Beijing headquarters welcomed a visit from the global senior team of Philips, who had traveled all the way from the Netherlands. This marks another significant exchange following the high-level meeting between both parties in September 2023. The meeting not only signifies a further deepening of their cooperation but also indicates that both parties will work together to make more innovations and breakthroughs in the field of digital medical health.

DHC's Senior Vice President Li Yunfeng, along with key business leaders such as General Manager of Intelligent Imaging Solutions Zhao Yang, Director of Intelligent Imaging Products Zhang Jie, and Assistant to the President Yin Xiaolei, warmly hosted Anat Hersch, Philips' Global Head of Advanced Visualization and AI Business and Clinical Informatics Project Management, Alexandra Vial, Global Nebulus Product Business Development Manager, Vickram Sharma, Global Corporate Informatics Business Marketing Manager, Xuan Tian, General Manager of Greater China Corporate Informatics Group, and Cory Chen, General Manager of Greater China Clinical Informatics Division.


In his welcome speech, Li Yunfeng expressed, "We are very honored to have the opportunity for in-depth exchanges with the global leadership team of Philips once again. Since the joint launch of the 'Shenfei Cloud' China Smart Medical Cloud Platform by Philips and DHC in 2018, our cooperation has achieved remarkable results. We look forward to further deepening our cooperative relationship through this meeting and jointly promoting the digital transformation of the medical industry."

Anat Hersch thanked DHC for their warm reception and stated, "Philips has cooperated with DHC for many years, and we have a full understanding and confidence in each other. Philips is committed to improving people's quality of life through innovative technologies, and our cooperation with DHC is a reflection of this mission."

Since the joint launch of the "Shenfei Cloud" China Smart Medical Cloud Platform in 2018, the collaboration between DHC and Philips has spanned six years. This platform combines DHC's big data and AI technology with Philips' post-imaging processing technology, providing medical institutions with efficient and cost-effective imaging post-processing services. Today, the "Shenfei Cloud" has become an intelligent imaging diagnosis and treatment ecosystem platform that covers the entire disease process and serves over a thousand medical institutions.

During the meeting, both parties reviewed the business cooperation of the "Shenfei Cloud" China Smart Medical Cloud Platform and discussed the possibility of expanding new business cooperation by combining Philips' extensive global medical application experience with DHC's technological advantages and mature experience in medical big data and artificial intelligence. Additionally, they engaged in in-depth discussions on medical big models, AI strategies, and how to better penetrate value segment markets.

Both Philips and DHC are looking forward to further deepening their cooperation, committed to jointly promoting the digital and intelligent transformation of the medical imaging field and advancing the high-quality development of medical services. Both parties hope that by deepening their cooperation, they can further break down geographical barriers, improve the homogeneity of medical services, enhance patients' medical experiences, and support the implementation of tiered diagnosis and treatment systems and the advancement of the Healthy China strategy.

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