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IF38+IF15! DHC Published Successively in High Impact Factor Nature Sub-journal
2022-11-28 Share:

Recently, the scientific research results of DHC and several famous academic institutes in China and abroad have been published in the high-impact factor Nature sub-journal.

In particular, DHC Xu Zheng participated as the first author of a research study related to telemedicine monitoring, which is one of the scientific results of the collaboration between DHC and Johns Hopkins University. The paper was published in the Nature sub-journal npj Digital Medicine with an impact factor of 15.The title of the paper is Evaluation of Physical Health Status Beyond Daily Step Count Using a Wearable Activity Sensor.

Remotely monitoring a patient's health status has always been a challenging problem. This study conducted by DHC explores the possibility of using wearable activity trackers to remotely monitor the health status of patients.In a paper published on the official website of Johns Hopkins University, it is reported that wearable activity trackers can be used to support health indicators for clinical care, and also enable researchers to classify participants according to clinical parameters, or can support clinical care for patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and other chronic diseases.

In the first part of 2022, DHC has been participating in another research project - Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS). It has been published in Nature Genetics with an impact factor of 38.The title of the paper is Improving Polygenic Prediction in Ancestrally Diverse Populations. This paper is the result of a multi-year collaboration between DHC, Harvard Medical School, the Broad Institute and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. It is important to better predict health status and disease risk in Chinese or Asian populations, and to improve clinical approaches.

In 2016, DHC has already launched a research collaboration on precision medical big data with the Harvard-MIT Broad Institute and Shanghai Jiaotong University. Its aim is to jointly promote new technology optimization and innovation in the healthcare industry.

The paper is one of the results of pioneering and improving new algorithms based on genomic big data in the context of DHC's collaboration with prestigious academic institutions.

The strength of scientific research can effectively verify the level of technological innovation of an enterprise, representing its core competitiveness as well as its potential for high-level innovative development.The company has collaborated with many well-known academic institutions both in China and abroad, and its research results have been published in international journals with high impact factors. This indicates Shenzhou Healthcare's strengths in medical big data and artificial intelligence technology.DHC will continue to utilize its technological strengths in the future, and cooperate with first-class institutions in domestic and foreign countries in an effort to use technology to create excellent national health and promote the development of this field in China.

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