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Beijing Forum 2023丨Shi Wenzhao's Views on the Application of Digital Technology in Medical Innovation: Keep improving the big model is more valuable than its size
2024-02-09 Share:


Recently, the 20th international academic conference "Beijing Forum 2023" was grandly held. With the theme of "harmony and common prosperity of civilizationsinheritance and mutual learning", the forum consists of 16 sub-forums and 4 thematic forums. More than 600 top experts and scholars from various fields in China and abroad focused on the global sustainable development in the post-epidemic era and contributed their wisdom to solve the issues of the new era through dialogue and exchanges.


As one of the sub-forums of the Beijing Forum, the "Beijing Forum 2023: One Health and Innovative Ecosystem" sponsored by the Peking University Institute of Global Health and Development was held in Peking University on the 4th.

Liu Guoen, Dean of the Peking University Institute for Global Health and Development; Qin Xuezheng, Vice President of the Peking University Institute for Global Health and Development; Lei Xiaoyan, Party Secretary of the National Development Institute of Peking University; Richard Hobbs, Vice President of Oxford University; Gene Block, President of UCLA; Holden Thorp, Editor-in-Chief of Science magazine; Chen Xi, Associate Professor of Global Health Policy and Economics, Yale University; Bernhard Schwartl?nder, former WHO representative in China; Shi Wenzhao, Chairman and CEO of DHC Co., Ltd.; Conway, Executive President of the Drug Research and Development Committee of China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment; Jean-Christophe Pointeau, President of China District of Pfizer Biology; Yu Xuefeng, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Connaught Biology; Brian Miller, Executive Vice President of Intuitive Surgery; Gu Chengming, Director of China Medical Department of Sanofi; and Zhang Ligang, Chairman and CEO of Aikang Group attended the conference and made important sharing.


At the conference, participants had in-depth exchanges and discussions on cutting-edge digital health, global governance, social economy and other topics, aiming to help China build a community for human health and development. 


Shi Wenzhao shared three important viewpoints based on the hot topic of "the application of digital technology in medical innovation". First, he believed data volume matters, but data quality matters more. As a leading enterprise in medical big data and artificial intelligence, DHC had broken through the barriers of interconnection and interoperability of clinical data, image data and omics data, and successfully constructed multiple national, disease-specific, and multimodal big data platforms. The total number of cooperative customers exceeds 2,000, and they have accumulated data management experience of more than hundreds of millions of patient trips. They had huge data volumes and can effectively ensure data quality. Second, he pointed out that "small model, large application" had more application value, and rapid and short-term prediction could better meet the actual clinical needs. Third, he stressed that keep improving the big model is more valuable than its size. Improving the accuracy and professionalism of the medical industry in particular is paramount.


[Beijing Forum]

Approved by the Ministry of Education of China and under the guidance and support of the Beijing municipal government, the Beijing Forum is an international academic conference jointly sponsored by Peking University, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission and the Korean Cui Zhongxian Academy. Founded in 2004, the Beijing Forum is held once a year with the general theme of "civilized harmony and common prosperity". Relying on Beijing's rich cultural heritage, the Forum is committed to promoting research on human and social science issues around the world, academic development and social progress in the world, and making contributions to the development of all mankind.

The Beijing Forum is currently the longest-lasting, largest and most influential international forum hosted by Peking University. It has formed a well-known academic brand of Peking University. To date, there have been 183 sub-forums, about 1,500 symposiums and dialogues, and more than 700 celebrities, political figures and well-known scholars from more than 80 countries and regions in the world have participated in this academic grand gathering.

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