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DHC Releases New Generation of Origo? Oncology Genomic Data Analysis System, Empowering Oncology NGS Digital Intelligence Precision Medicine Center 2.0 Era
2022-05-20 Share:

DHC's new generation Origo? tumor genomic data analysis system has been officially relaunched recently. In the technical aspect, the new version of the genetic test report analysis system has been comprehensively upgraded in terms of the display of test results, quality control of genetic data, and comprehensive evaluation of results. In addition, the new version of the test report adds anti-counterfeiting technology that supports traceability of test reports, which is expected to be a major highlight in the tumor genetic testing industry. The innovative anti-counterfeiting system of test reports developed by DHC opens a new trend of anti-counterfeiting measures in the tumor genetic testing industry, which will also draw more attention from hospitals, doctors and patients to the authenticity of tumor genetic testing reports.

The performance of the same disease varies with different methods of treatment. Individual differences in drug sensitivity of tumor patients exist

Tumor genetic testing is an important cornerstone of precision medicine, providing clinical drug reference and drug guidance for tumor diagnosis and treatment. With the help of tumor genetic test results, doctors can create personalized treatment plans for tumor patients and achieve more targeted treatment. Therefore, tumor genetic testing plays an important scientific guidance role in the treatment of tumor patients.


Genetic locus alterations, deletions, and duplications can lead to uncontrolled division and growth of normal human cells and cause tumorigenesis. There are obvious individual differences in the sensitivity of tumor patients of the same disease to the same drugs. Doctors cannot judge by visual or empirical judgment, thus requiring analysis with the help of tumor genetic test results. Through detecting the variation of relevant genes and protein expression of patients, doctors can predict the efficacy and toxic side effects of specific drugs for patients, and thus develop personalized drug treatment plans for tumor patients. This approach can maximize the effectiveness of drugs and reduce the incidence of adverse effects as much as possible to achieve more targeted, lower cost and faster treatment results.

Safe, Reliable and Traceable - DHC's New Generation Origo? Oncogenomic Data Analysis System

Long-term business experience has been well recognized by the industry

Precision medicine is one of the core businesses that DHC has been cultivating for a long time. The company has rich practical experience and technical accumulation in the fields of tumor big data, comprehensive knowledge base, clinical medicine, genomics and genetics. The company also has many industry certifications such as HSA, CMMI, ISO13485 and ISO27001. Up to now, DHC has provided oncology genetic testing services to nearly 50 hospitals.

Multiple industry certifications

Multi-dimensional clinical analysis and key interpretations

DHC's next-generation Origo? tumor genome data analysis system contains sample information, assay information, quality control, as well as targeted therapy, immunotherapy, chemotherapy drugs and hereditary tumor-related variants and clinical significance. It can evaluate patient treatment indicators in multiple directions, and provide more safe and reliable scientific basis for the development of clinical treatment plans for tumor patients.

In addition, the new generation Origo? Oncogenomic Data Analysis System has an even greater medical guidance value. It provides a comprehensive analysis of sample test results based on information from the precision medicine knowledge base, and provides multi-dimensional clinical focused interpretation.


Catalog of reports issued by the next generation Origo? Tumor Genome Data Analysis System

Strict quality control standards

The bioinformatics analysis process with strict quality control jointly developed by DHC and Broad Institute. Each tumor personalized diagnosis and treatment genetic test report goes through more than 40 steps, including sampling and delivery, sample reception, sample quality control, sample testing, data analysis, knowledge base annotation, report interpretation, and report distribution. It can be observed that strict quality control is carried out.


Strict quality control of the bioinformatics analysis process

Support for traceability and anti-counterfeit verification

Each report issued by DHC's new generation Origo? tumor genome data analysis system has a unique anti-counterfeit QR code. The QR code can be traced back to the company's official anti-counterfeiting system to check the test number, test item and test date of the report. In the face of the complicated market environment, DHC continues to ensure that the original data of each test report can be traced through the upgrade of tumor genetic testing technology and anti-counterfeit technology means, so as to reduce the possibility of tampering with tumor genetic testing reports. This action demonstrates the company's insistence on supplying high quality diagnostic products to hospitals and tumor patients and taking the initiative to create a good competitive market environment.

With the improvement and implementation of industry regulation, the development of tumor genetic testing market will become more and more standardized, and medical quality and safety can be more guaranteed. In the era of precision medicine, DHC will provide more professional and reliable genetic testing services by virtue of its technological accumulation in the fields of genomics and clinical medicine, and boost the healthy development of the tumor genetic testing industry.

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